
Eating in Ontario: What Do We Know?

Roblin L, Ng AP, Ahmed M, L’Abbe M, Karbasy K, Gough K. Eating in Ontario: What Do We Know? Comparing intake of key nutrients, vegetables and fruit in Ontario with Canadian intake and dietary recommendations: a report based on CCHS 2015 – Nutrition. Toronto: Nutrition Connections, Ontario Public Health Association; June 2021, 55 p. Nutrients Report | Press Release

The Equity and Effectiveness of Achieving Canada’s Voluntary Sodium Reduction Guidance Targets

Smith BT, Hack S, Jessri M, Arcand J, McLaren L, L’Abbé MR, Anderson LN, Hobin E, Hammond D, Manson H, Rosella LC, Manuel DG. The Equity and Effectiveness of Achieving Canada’s Voluntary Sodium Reduction Guidance Targets: A Modelling Study Using the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey-Nutrition. Nutrients. 2021 Feb 27;13(3):779. doi: 10.3390/nu13030779. PMID: 33673550; PMCID: PMC7997239. View Online.

Comparison of dietary intakes of Canadian Armed Forces personnel consuming field rations in acute hot, cold, and temperate conditions with standardized infantry activities

Ahmed M, Mandic I, Lou W, Goodman L, Jacobs I, L’Abbé MR. Comparison of dietary intakes of Canadian Armed Forces personnel consuming field rations in acute hot, cold, and temperate conditions with standardized infantry activities. Mil Med Res. 2019;6(1):26. doi: 10.1186/s40779-019-0216-7. View Online. View PDF.

Validation of a tablet application for assessing dietary intakes compared with the measured food intake/food waste method in military personnel consuming rations

Ahmed M, Mandic I, Lou W, Goodman L, Jacobs I and L’Abbe M. Validation of a tablet application for assessing dietary intakes compared with the measured food intake/food waste method in military personnel consuming rations. Nutrients 2017;9(3):200. doi:10.3390/nu9030200. View Online. View PDF.