Consumer Tools and Apps

FoodFLIP© (Launched – not publicly available)

FoodFlip© is a smartphone app designed to better inform consumers on the nutritional information of the foods and beverages that they look up. FoodFlip© uses an interpretative nutrition rating system to provide a simplified summary of the healthfulness of food products using symbols or logos. The app also provides suggestions about healthier, similar food or beverage options. We are the only team in Canada who are capable of developing an app that displays healthier food alternatives as we are the only Canadian group with a database containing detailed information on food and beverage products (including nutrient levels, ingredient list, product images, brand names, marketing and nutrient claims information and company information) for foods that are sold in Canada.

Currently, the FoodFlip© app is undergoing an update with the currently available food and beverage products in the marketplace and will be validated before public release. Click here to find it in the App Store. For more information, see our 2020 publication in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity: A randomized controlled trial examining consumers’ perceptions and opinions on using different versions of a FoodFlip© smartphone application for delivery of nutrition information.


Global Nutrient Profiling Calculator Tool© (Launched – available upon request)

Global Nutrient Profiling Calculator Tool© is an upcoming resource that will allow users to enter nutritional data and calculate the nutrient profile of food and beverage products using several nutrient profile models. The Nutrient Profiling Calculators© can be downloaded as a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet provided with the L’Abbé Lab developed algorithms and instructions for application. Within each of the excel sheets, there is an NP model-specific legend detailing the derivation of each of the variables required to calculate the nutrient profile of a product. The calculators should be used in conjunction with the included source document which provides more detailed information about how the nutrient profile is calculated. This tool is only available upon request and requires a data sharing agreement.



onesweetappIn collaboration with Plank, we have recently launched OneSweetApp, Canada’s ONLY nutrition app that identifies both total and free sugar* amounts for packaged foods. Scan barcodes or search the database and see the free sugar hiding in your food. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Submit new products and help us grow the database that gives you the information you’re not getting from the Nutrition Facts table. Download it in the iTunes App Store.


* What is free sugar? *
Think of added sugar, but with all the other stuff you didn’t know you were supposed to be worried about: juices, concentrates, honey and all syrups. The stuff that’s now in 74% of our packaged foods.




Big Life

All salt has a lot of sodium and it is in most of the foods we eat – a lot in some and a little in others. Dr. JoAnne Arcand (former Postdoc in the L’Abbe Lab) co-developed the Sodium Calculator, an innovative dietary assessment tool to assist the public and clinicians in rapidly determining the amount and sources of sodium in the diet. Calculate your sodium intake here.