
A proposed approach to monitor private-sector policies and practices related to food environments, obesity and non-communicable disease prevention

Sacks G, Swinburn B, Kraak V, Downs S, Walker C, Barquera S, Friel S, Hawkes C, Kelly B, Kumanyika S, L’Abbé M, Lee A, Lobstein T, Ma J, Macmullan J, Mohan S, Monteiro C, Neal B, Rayner M, Sanders D, Snowdon W, Vandevijvere S, INFORMAS. A proposed approach to monitor private-sector policies and practices related to food environments, obesity and non-communicable disease prevention. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1), 38-48. View abstract. View PDF.

Monitoring foods and beverages provided and sold in public sector settings

L’Abbé M, Schermel A, Minaker L, Kelly B, Lee A, Vandevijvere S, Twohig P, Barquera S, Friel S, Hawkes C, Kumanyika S, Lobstein T, Ma J, Macmullan J, Mohan S, Monteiro C, Neal B, Rayner M, Sacks G, Sanders D, Snowdon W, Swinburn B, Walker C, INFORMAS. Monitoring foods and beverages provided and sold in public sector settings. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1), 96-107. View abstract. View PDF. Supplementary Material.

Monitoring the health related labelling of foods and non-alcoholic beverages in retail settings

Rayner M, Wood A, Lawrence M, Mhurchu CN, Albert J, Barquera S, Friel S, Hawkes C, Kelly B, Kumanyika S, L’abbé M, Lee A, Lobstein T, Ma J, Macmullan J, Mohan S, Monteiro C, Neal B, Sacks G, Sanders D, Snowdon W, Swinburn B, Vandevijvere S, Walker C, INFORMAS. Monitoring the health related labelling of foods and non-alcoholic beverages in retail settings. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1), 70-81. View abstract. View PDF.

INFORMAS (International Network for Food and Obesity/non-communicable diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support): overview and key principles

Swinburn B, Sacks G, Vandevijvere S, Kumanyika S, Lobstein T, Neal B, Barquera S, Friel S, Hawkes C, Kelly B, L’abbé M, Lee A, Ma J, Macmullan J, Mohan S, Monteiro C, Rayner M, Sanders D, Snowdon W, Walker C. INFORMAS (International Network for Food and Obesity/non-communicable diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support): overview and key principles. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1): 1-12. View abstract. View PDF.

Pilot test of the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) to increase government actions for creating healthy food environments

Vandevijvere S, Swinburn B, for the International Network for Food and Obesity/non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Research, Monitoring and Action Support (INFORMAS). Pilot test of the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) to increase government actions for creating healthy food environments. BMJ Open 2015 Jan 9;5(1):e006194. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006194. PMID: 25575874. View Online. View PDF.

Package size and manufacturer-recommended serving size of sweet beverages: a cross-sectional study across four high-income countries

Poelman MP, Eyles H, Dunford E, Schermel A, L’Abbe MR, Neal B, Seidell JC, Steenhuis IH, Ni Mhurchu C. Package size and manufacturer-recommended serving size of sweet beverages: a cross-sectional study across four high-income countries. Public Health Nutr. 2015 Jul; 7:1-9. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26148431. View Online. View PDF. Supplementary Materials.