
Lobbying and nutrition policy in Canada: a quantitative descriptive study on stakeholder interactions with government officials in the context of Health Canada’s Healthy Eating Strategy.

Gaucher-Holm A, Mulligan C, L’Abbé MR, Potvin Kent M, Vanderlee L. Lobbying and nutrition policy in Canada: a quantitative descriptive study on stakeholder interactions with government officials in the context of Health Canada’s Healthy Eating Strategy. Global Health. 2022 May 26;18(1):54. doi: 10.1186/s12992-022-00842-4. PMID: 35619107; PMCID: PMC9137051. View Online.

The relationship between voluntary product (re) formulation commitments and changes in the nutritional quality of products offered by the top packaged food and beverage companies in Canada from 2013 to 2017

Vergeer L, Ahmed M, Vanderlee L, Mulligan C, Weippert M, Franco-Arellano B, Dickinson K, Bernstein JT, Labonté MÈ, L’Abbé MR. The relationship between voluntary product (re) formulation commitments and changes in the nutritional quality of products offered by the top packaged food and beverage companies in Canada from 2013 to 2017. BMC Public Health. 2022 Feb 10;22(1):271. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-12683-2. PMID: 35144589. View Online.

Socioeconomic position and consumption of sugary drinks, sugar-sweetened beverages and 100% juice among Canadians: a cross-sectional analysis of the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey-Nutrition

Warren C, Hobin E, Manuel DG, Anderson LN, Hammond D, Jessri M, Arcand J, L’Abbé M, Li Y, Rosella LC, Manson H, Smith BT. Socioeconomic position and consumption of sugary drinks, sugar-sweetened beverages and 100% juice among Canadians: a cross-sectional analysis of the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey-Nutrition. Can J Public Health. 2022 Feb 9. doi: 10.17269/s41997-021-00602-8. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35138596. View Online.

Brassard D, Elvidge Munene LA, St Pierre S, Gonzalez A, Guenther PM, Jessri M, Vena JE, Olstad DL, Vatanparast H, Prowse R, Lemieux S, L’Abbé MR, Garriguet D, Kirkpatrick SI, Lamarche B. Evaluation of the Healthy Eating Food Index (HEFI)-2019 measuring adherence to Canada’s Food Guide 2019 recommendations on healthy food choices. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2022 Jan 14. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2021-0416. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35030069. View Online.

Development of the Healthy Eating Food Index (HEFI)-2019 measuring adherence to Canada’s Food Guide 2019 recommendations on healthy food choices

Brassard D, Elvidge Munene LA, St Pierre S, Guenther PM, Kirkpatrick SI, Slater J, Lemieux S, Jessri M, Haines J, Prowse R, Olstad DL, Garriguet D, Vena JE, Vatanparast H, L’Abbé MR, Lamarche B. Development of the Healthy Eating Food Index (HEFI)-2019 measuring adherence to Canada’s Food Guide 2019 recommendations on healthy food choices. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2022 Jan 14. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2021-0415. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35030038. View Online.

Changes in the Sodium Content of Foods Sold in Four Latin American Countries: 2015 to 2018

Blanco-Metzler A, Vega-Solano J, Franco-Arellano B, Allemandi L, Larroza RB, Saavedra-Garcia L, Weippert M, Sivakumar B, Benavides-Aguilar K, Tiscornia V, Sequera Buzarquis G, Guarnieri L, Meza-Hernández M, Cañete Villalba F, Castronuovo L, Schermel A, L’Abbé MR, Arcand J. Changes in the Sodium Content of Foods Sold in Four Latin American Countries: 2015 to 2018. Nutrients. 2021 Nov 16;13(11):4108. doi: 10.3390/nu13114108. PMID: 34836362; PMCID: PMC8624930. View Online.