Zhila was a research assistant and an undergraduate thesis student for over 2 years with Dr. L’Abbe. During this time, she completed NFS394Y1 and NFS494Y1 where she assessed the nutrition quality of kid’s restaurant meals and validated two novel salt calculator tools. She also helped with data collection for the FLIP 2013 update. Currently, Zhila is a Master’s student with Dr. Anthony Hanley assessing the predictability of a novel biomarker in the etiology of type 2 diabetes.
Thesis Titles: NFS394Y1: Kids’ meals from chain restaurants are exceedingly high in calories, fats, and sodium: A cross-sectional study.
NFS494Y1: Evaluation of sodium dietary assessment tools to enable consumers and health practitioners to rapidly and accurately assess sodium intakes.
Pubmed Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Zhila+Semnani-Azad