Mary Scourboutakos [pronounced SCORE – BA – TACOS] recently completed her PhD in the L’Abbe Lab. She completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto, and double majored in nutritional sciences and music. In her research, Mary studied the nutritional quality of Canadian chain restaurant foods and also conducts research investigating public health policies such as menu-labelling. Her work has helped influence public health policy at City Hall and Queen’s Park. She also participates in the Collaborative Program in Women’s Health. Mary is a blogger and video blogger for the American Society for Nutrition, and also blogs on her personal website (www.thatnutritiongirl.com). In her spare time she enjoys playing the piano, tennis, yoga, running, reading and stamp collecting. All in all, Mary is devoted to spreading the word about the importance of eating well as a means to live optimally.
PubMed Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=mary+scourboutakos