(2016 - 2022) Alena (Praneet) Ng

MSc Students
MSB, Room 5368
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Alena continued as a Research Assistant in the L’Abbe Lab, having defended her Masters in September 2019 with Dr. L’Abbe. Her expertise in research includes: dietary patterns analysis for chronic disease prevention; the use of the National Cancer Institute Method (NCI Method) to estimate usual dietary intake; and analyzing large health datasets, specifically the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) and Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS). As Research Assistant, Alena supported research capacities in the L’Abbe Lab by training lab members in dietary patterns analysis techniques, running the NCI Method, and analyzing health datasets as appropriate for their research project(s); supporting undergraduate students in their research projects with Dr. L’Abbe; and liaising with public health organizations to offer analytical support in diet-related research.

 PubMed link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=alena+praneet+ng