INFORMAS Publications

A supplement outlining the strategy for each of the INFORMAS modules has been published online (open access). The series of 12 papers and 2 commentaries gives an informative overview of the project aims, goals and action plans.

For more information, visit INFORMAS Global and INFORMAS Canada.

October 2013, Volume 14, Issue Supplement S1, Pages 1–164:

  1. INFORMAS (International Network for Food and Obesity/non-communicable diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support): overview and key principles. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1): 1-12. View abstract.View PDF.
  2. Monitoring policy and actions on food environments: rationale and outline of the INFORMAS policy engagement and communication strategies. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1), 13-23. View abstract.View PDF.
  3. Monitoring and benchmarking government policies and actions to improve the healthiness of food environments: a proposed Government Healthy Food Environment Policy Index. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1), 24-37. View abstract.View PDF.
  4. A proposed approach to monitor private-sector policies and practices related to food environments, obesity and non-communicable disease prevention. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1), 38-48. View abstract.View PDF.
  5. Monitoring the levels of important nutrients in the food supply. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1): 49-58. View abstract.View PDF.
  6. Monitoring food and nonalcoholic beverage promotions to children. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1), 59-69. View abstract.View PDF.
  7. Monitoring the health related labelling of foods and non-alcoholic beverages in retail settings. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1), 70-81. View abstract.View PDF.
  8. Monitoring the price and affordability of foods and diets globally. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1), 82-95. View abstract.View PDF.
  9. Monitoring foods and beverages provided and sold in public sector settings. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1), 96-107. View abstract.View PDF. Supplementary Material. *FIRST AUTHORED BY DR. L’ABBE
  10. Monitoring the impacts of trade agreements on food environments. Obesity Reviews 2013; 14(S1): 120-134. View abstract.View PDF.

Additional INFORMAS Articles Co-Authored by Dr. L’Abbe:

  1. A comparison of the healthiness of packaged foods and beverages from 12 countries using the Health Star Rating nutrient profiling system, 2013-2018.Obes Rev. 2019. doi: 10.1111/obr.12879. View Online.
  2. An 11-country study to benchmark the implementation of recommended nutrition policies by national governments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index, 2015-2018.Obesity Reviews 2019; doi: 10.1111/obr.12819. View Online.
  3. BIA-Obesity (Business Impact Assessment-Obesity and population-level nutrition): A tool and process to assess food company policies and commitments related to obesity prevention and population nutrition at the national level.Obes Rev. 2019. doi: 10.1111/obr.12878. View Online.
  4. Pilot test of the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) to increase government actions for creating healthy food environments. BMJ Open 2015 Jan 9;5(1):e006194. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006194. PMID: 25575874. View Online.View PDF.

Additional INFORMAS publications may be found HERE.